The cathegory "gizmo" contains items that can't be consumed, that are no weapon, and that are no mines/grenades.
The Lockpicks

The Lockpicks |
Name: The Lockpicks
Costs: n/a
Available: In all missions after "Interference"
Default Keybinding: F6 and F7
Usage: You have two lockpicks, the triangular and the rectangular shaped one. The triangular shaped is silver-coloured, the rectangular shaped is of golden colour.
The usage of the lockpicks is as follows: Approach the locked chest, door, or other obstacle, highlight it on your screen. Now select the lockpick in your inventory, and use it on the obstacle. While you hold down the use-key, the lock will slowly be unlocked. Sometimes it is necessary to switch back to the other lockpick. If the selected lockpick doesn't help you with the lock, you will hear a short click. Then select the other lockpick - when both lockpicks produced only the short click, then it is time to search for a key.
Hints: Lockpicking produces a sound that alerts a Guard who stands nearby or who was previously already alerted. So it may be helpful to time your lockpicking attempts with the patrol patterns of your enemies.
Lockpicking also takes some time, and in most cases in Thief II, you will encounter the evil locks that need you to switch the lockpicks twice (meaning: The most securely locked ones.) Picking these locks takes longer than you will like, and so it is a very bad idea to attempt picking them in plain light when a Security Camera is around or when you are not allowed to knock out the Guard who patrols in the hallway. |
The Flare

The Flare |
Name: The Flare
Costs: 25 gold
Available: nya
Default Keybinding: F
Usage: The Flare gives you some light in otherwise pitch dark areas. When you use one, you will firstly hold it in your hands - so increasing your visibility to a very uncomfortable level; but you can easily throw it away and pick it back up. The Flare will only produce light for some seconds and will disappear afterwards.
Hints: You can use the Flare to lighten douzed torches, if you think that this is useful. Don't use Flares when you are hiding in a shadow from a Guard - because your visibility is increased when you hold the flare in your hands, the Guard will most probably spot you then.
Anyway, the Flare is easier to use than the in Thief I necessary adjusting of the brightness of the monitor, when it is really pitch dark. |
The Scouting Orb

The Scouting Orb |
Name: The Scouting Orb
Costs: 200 gold
Available: In all missions after "Interference"
Default Keybinding: F11
Usage: Throw the Scouting Orb, and your view switches to it. While you are in the view of the Orb, you can't move Garrett. All you can do is circle around with your view.
To end this, just click with the left Mouse key. As long as you didn't throw the Orb into an inaccessable area, you can pick it back up.
Hints: The Scouting Orb is not only the only tool to take screenshots of Garrett ;) , it is also a good way to tell what is behind a corner. Especially when you would be in plain light when you tried to watch the other side of the corner in the goold old leaning technique. That means, if there is i.e. a Security Camera (with extraordinaire visual sensibility), then you may want to check it's position and the direction it is turned to with a Scouting Orb.
The Scouting Orb is also a good way to check areas for easter eggs - throw i.e. one over the wall to the left of your starting position in "Framed". |
The Compass

The Compass |
Name: The Compass
Costs: n/a
Available: In all missions
Default Keybinding: F12
Usage: Choose the Compass in your inventory. The red part of it shows always to the North. The North is in all missions the upper corner of the map.
Hints: In Thief I, the compass was my default key for putting other items away - having the keys or the lockpicks as the active item hindered the player in frobbing other objects (in reading, opening, grabbing, etc.) This is -luckily- not necessary no more in Thief II. Just choose the option "automatically equip" in your game options screen.
Anyway. The compass is still very usefull in huge maps or in maps where you have as good as no informations available... especially if you are new to the game and don't know the layout of the map by heart yet. ;) |