- 1999 Survey   -

The Results of the 1999 Survey

Some further data analyses

In this part I did mainly described two things: Firstly, I separated the people in 4 groups after the number of times played, and searched for differences between these groups. Secondly, I tried some other things that I could do with the data (i.e. a factor analysis, and some other, minor important things - this was, again, done because I thought this could be funny. Not because of scientific reasons.

A pre-comment to the first point: Yes, there is a difference between the groups. The most obvious differences were: The group of (luckily) very few people who filled out the survey without having finished the game once, rated the last missions (starting with RTC) worse than the others. If I would eliminate this group from the previous done data descriptions, these last missions would get a higher score, but not a so much higher score (I found only 7 of these people - a really not very large group.)

The factor analysis showed me that it is difficult to come to a convenient factor structure if even the very low correlations among the variables are so significantly, because of the huge number of subjects. I did not intend to replicy the odd factor analyses of some scientifists who claim to have found about 20 factors, so I decided to choose some really restrictive criteria for the factor selection. But, well, I am not sure that the two factors are very convenient.

The other, minor important data analyses, are not yet done. They will mainly be other groupings of the subjects (i.e females vs. males; or Sneakers vs. the other preferred gaming styles.) They will be added as soon as I have some time to sparse. And they will be only done because of fun and because of my curiousity.

A warning: Because I did not want to have to design as many pages as above done, I have put the two points on two single pages. There pages are, well, large now - almost as long as the really insane threads in the gameforum (as i.e. 'The 1000 signs that you have played Thief far too much'). The cute jpegs exploded the pages so much, but I love them. And they are good for people who prefer graphics than numbers to understand the meaning of analyses.